

Software-connected hosts can edit listing details and manage other content directly on Airbnb in Listings on desktop or mobile browser or the Listings tab in the Airbnb app.

When you edit details on Airbnb for a software-connected listing, the specific listing information you edited will be saved on Airbnb and not overwritten by future syncs from your software. For example, if you update the listing description on Airbnb, the description you provided will be shown to guests. If you later update that listing’s description in your software, Airbnb guests will still see the description you provided directly on Airbnb, not the one in your software.

Where can I find the listing information that I updated directly on Airbnb?

You can see all the listing information that you updated directly on Airbnb under API Status in your Listing Editor.

Can I use listing information from my software after I have updated my listing directly on Airbnb?

Only the specific listing fields that you updated directly on Airbnb can not be overwritten by your software. Any listing information that you did not update directly on Airbnb will continue to sync from your software.

If you wish to use information from your software for the fields you updated directly on Airbnb, you can:



  1. 点击房源,选择您要查看的房源
  2. 房源编辑器中,点击编辑偏好设置
  3. 点击房源管理软件
  4. 点击通过{partner_app_name} App 管理

When you do this, all of your listing fields will be able to be overwritten with the latest information from your software. The next time you update any listing information in your software it will be synced to Airbnb.


